this is so incredible
this is so incredible
aww shucks. Its a bit muddy but ill clean it up. Thanks.
oddly enough though i kinda dig the fuck out of it.
Lol ill try to re-eq this sometime. I was Lessing around with ir a couple night ago and had a new idea.
really dope dude
Thanks! I'm glad you like it.
this is just great
Dude this is so awesome right here
Thanks ^^
how r u in hdc lmao
Are you trying to say I ain't humble lmao
Man this is some mighty beautiful stuff especially for 25 seconds.
I loved the idea but I'd change the bass/kick to a better kick sound, and the piano gets really distorted kind of, Idk how to describe it. Type decent though for sure!
I know what you mean about the piano distorting
I placed a second verse of Mega over itself halfway through, so that's why it sounds like that
Joined on 2/11/17